What are the signs of depression?

Some of the symptoms of depression are:

1. Loss of appetite. Weight gain or loss.
2. Depressed affect. Children & Adolescents: cranky, irritable, angry/explosive outbursts.
3. Diminished interest in or enjoyment of activities.
4. Psychomotor agitation or retardation.
5. Sleeplessness or hypersomnia.
6. Lack of energy.
7. Poor concentration and indecisiveness.
8. Social withdrawal.
9. Suicidal thoughts and/or gestures.
10. Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, excessive or inappropriate guilt.
11. Low self-esteem.
12. Unresolved grief issues.
13. Hallucinations or delusions.

What are the causes of depression?

Depression is usually the result of one or more of the following: self-worth, stress, spiritual, anger, guilt and physical problems; crisis, dysfunctional families, abuse, false beliefs, loss or grief reactions.

What are some steps I can take when I feel depressed?

First take a look at your relationship with Christ. Many times Christians are not spending time meditating on the Word of God and praying. God and faith are the antidotes to depression. Our God is the God of all comfort and hope. When you are depressed it is probably because you feel hopeless and helpless about your life. Jesus Christ is the answer and He can reveal truth about your situation through prayer, the Bible and His church.

Usually people who are feeling depressed are not doing what would help them feel better. Regular exercise and proper diet is very helpful. Spending time with family and friends is encouraging. Serving others is fulfilling. When you are trying to do these things and still don’t feel better, it is wise to seek out pastoral and professional Christian counseling.

Please contact AACC for a referral to a mental health professional. If you have had suicidal thoughts or intentions please contact your physician or go to the nearest emergency room for help. Also, you can contact www.Suicidepreventionlifeline.org at: 1-800-273-8255 or the Canadian crisis hotlines

© copyright 2015 Lynette Hoy, NCC, LCPC