Faith 101

God’s Plan for Your Life!

God’s Plan for Success! YouTube Video at 31 min Living for Eternity: God’s plan for Your Life and Your Success I was 4 when I heard my friends calling for me from the backyard. I…

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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

The Problem of Evil and Suffering Question: Dear Counselor: I cannot understand why God allowed the tragedies such as the school shootings and killings in Littleton, Colorado, the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World…

Father Forgive Them

The Hardest Prayers Ever Prayed Have you ever felt like you wanted to give up on a certain situation or person? Or that forgiving someone was too hard? Or that life was just too difficult,…

How to Know God Personally

Faith 101 Jesus Christ Is Someone You can Know and Trust Jesus Christ is more than a system, tradition, or belief. He claimed to be God. His miracles proved His deity. Josh McDowell writes, “Among…

Lord, Liar or Lunatic?

Who was Jesus really? Reasons to Believe in Jesus I have been a Christian since I was 12 years old. I came to Christ out of desperation and deep questions about God, life, death, my…

How Can a Skeptic Believe?

Question from a Skeptic “Response to a Skeptic” of Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask about the Christian Faith by Josh McDowell and Don Stewart A reader from Ohio on book reviews writes, “Joke, this book is…

Overview of Mere Christianity

Overview of C.S. Lewis’ book: Mere Christianity Mere Christianity is a revised and enlarged edition of the three books produced from C.S. Lewis’ radio broadcasts in England during World War II: The Case for Christianity,…

How Do You Become A Christian?

Answers About Christianity Q: HOW DO YOU BECOME A CHRISTIAN? Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but, by Me.” And John…

When you die and you meet the Lord…

Here is the one question you need to get right ….because your life depends on it: When you die and you meet the Lord at heaven’s gates and He asks you, “Why should I let…

What is a Cult?

The Difference between Cults and Christianity Definitions of Cults: Alan Gomes writes: “A cult of Christianity is a group of people, which claiming to be Christian, embraces a particular doctrine system taught by an individual…