October 2007

Dealing with Unhealthy Relationships

Lop-sided Relationships Many marriages and relationships are not healthy or happy and far from the ideal of great. Why? Often, it’s because one person in the relationship becomes a giver, and the other a taker….


Jealous of Ex-wife Question: I am so jealous of my husband’s ex-wife. When they met, she was 27, he was 46. She was sexy in every way. I on the other hand have endured an…

Sexual Abuse Recovery

Dealing with rape and past sexual abuse Question: I am 28 yrs. old and have been sexually abused by my oldest brother, mentally abused by other relatives. I was sexually abused by two family friends,…

Coping with Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem Scarred for Life Question: Hi Lynette: I’m writing because I have been dealing with tough issues for a long time. When I was growing up at a Chinese Christian church in junior high school,…


How to Stop Hurting Myself? Question: Dear Counselor, Yesterday I have tortured my self again and I am afraid to relive the details. No offense to you of course but I must tell you my…

Giver – Taker Inventory

Givers versus Takers Giver-Taker Inventory: Check the statements which are true in your significant relationship(SR). Are you: The one who usually calls? ___ The person who feels disrespected? ___ The person cleaning up after other…

Dealing with PMS

Coping with PMS Question: I have struggled with horrible PMS for years, only to have it lifted at menses. I feel guilty about not being able to keep my raging hormones out of my personal…

Building Your Self-Esteem

Understanding and Dealing with Low Self-esteem Most people typically suffer from low self-esteem. They seek to increase self-worth through the approval of others or from achieving goals. Raising children, building a career and/or fulfilling the…

Preparing for Marriage

Premarital Planning Question: I’ve been dating my girlfriend for almost 10 months now. We are thinking about getting married. What issues are important to discuss before marriage? I know we all tend to have secrets…